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In today's internet world, Digital Marketing is such a fancy word by using which you can easily make an impression on your colleagues in the office  .

For most of us, the term 'digital marketing' is not very old. Most of the people came to know about digital marketing when internet became an essential part of their life.

Know what is digital marketing and how you can become a digital marketer.

The term began to become more popular after the year 2000. After the development of search engine, social media, apps etc. in the Internet, the term became common to people.

Today there are many people who are earning millions of rupees by doing digital marketing. Without a physical office, many people are earning a lot of money just by working from their computers.

If you want, you can also earn from home by doing digital marketing, but for this it is important that you first get to know about digital marketing well and learn it well.

In this article, we have talked about things related to digital marketing like what is digital marketing, how to do it and how to earn money from it. So if you are also interested in Digital Marketing then read this post carefully.

What is digital marketing? Full Information / Information Information about Digital Marketing in Hindi


1). What does digital marketing mean:

In the last few years you must have noticed that many companies have reduced the hoarding on the roadside. reason? The reason is - "To emerge as a good, cheap and effective medium of digital marketing." As the name itself suggests, digital marketing means -

 To promote something through digital mediums (or electronic devices).

The promotion of something through digital medium i.e. phone, computer, tablet, internet, social media is called Digital Marketing. Significantly, TV and Radio Marketing do not come under digital marketing, they are under traditional marketing. Digital marketing mostly covers things related to the Internet. For example, the SMS of the people of the company keeps coming on our phone and ads are coming on YouTube. All these things are a part of digital marketing itself. * Who is a digital marketer? Digital marketers speak of a person who specializes in digitally promoting things. Who knows how to rank a website in good position in Google and how to bring traffic to a site.

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2). Digital Marketing Examples:

We often see many examples of digital marketing in our everyday life. Some of which are-

Promotional messages from the company on the phone.

Ads on social media like facebook, instagram.

Ads on YouTube.

Ads appearing when visiting a website or blog .

Ads appear at the top of some searches in Google.

Paid promotion of products and services in YouTube videos.

Emails from companies.


3). Types of Digital Marketing:

Digital marketing is not a single thing but it is a combination of many different things. It is not possible to write about each of these things, but these are some things without which digital marketing is incomplete. Digital marketing can be of two types - online digital marketing and offline digital marketing.

1. Online Digital Marketing

Internet is used in this digital marketing. It is also called Internet Marketing.

These things are covered under online digital marketing-

Content Marketing - Marketing done by providing quality content to people and winning their trust is called Content Marketing.

Read More- What is Content Marketing? complete information

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - The techniques that are used to rank first in Google without advertising are called SEO together .

Read More- What is SEO and how to SEO your website?

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) - Like SEO, SEM is also used to get good ranking in search engines. The only difference is that SEM has to spend money while SEO is done without any expense.

Blogging - The way of marketing by writing content on a blog is called blogging.

Video Marketing - Marketing of something through video is called video marketing.

Social Media Marketing (SMM) - SMM is a technique of digital marketing in which social media is used.

Pay Per Click Marketing (PPC Marketing) - This is an Ad Marketing Model in which the company pays the publisher according to the per click.

Affiliate Marketing - Nowadays one of the best ways of marketing is - Affiliate Marketing. In this, companies pay people (Affiliates) according to sales. That is, if a person sells a product or service of the company, then the company gives him some% commission.

Email Marketing - Email marketing is the way to collect and send emails to people, is called Email Marketing.

Instant Messaging Marketing - This method of marketing is quite new. In this, people can subscribe to a website on their messanger apps such as Facebook Messenger. You can do this with tools like MobileMonkey and ManyChat .

2. Offline Digital Marketing

Apart from internet, digital marketing can also be done in many offline ways-

Phone Message (SMS) - There will be many types of promotional SMS on your phone number too. This is also a kind of digital marketing technique (offline). 

Phone Call - Many times companies do marketing by calling people as well, this is called Phone Call Marketing.

This is a digital electronic billboard used for digital marketing.

Source-  ManOfMany

Electronic billboards - Many companies nowadays promote by placing electronic hoardings. This is also a kind of digital marketing.

Radio Marketing - Radio marketing is done under offline digital marketing. Although many people do not consider it digital marketing, they count it in traditional marketing.

Television Marketing - This is marketing done through TV. However, many people do not consider it digital marketing.

4). Why digital marketing is important (Why to use Digital Marketing & it's Importance):

In today's era, whether you are doing any kind of business; Digital marketing is an essential step to take your business forward.

Digital marketing is less expensive and easier than traditional methods of marketing. On the one hand, in the old ways of marketing, we have no control over who is watching our ad, on the other hand, through digital marketing, we can reach a very narrowly targeted audience.

In traditional methods of marketing (eg TV, Radio), we need a very strong budget which is often in millions. While this is not the case with digital marketing. We can start digital marketing with a few hundred rupees as well.

Nowadays everyone keeps roaming online, so for the growth of our business, it is important that we start digital marketing but only a little.


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